Project information & reports 17IND03 LaVA Publishable Summary (finalised August 2022) 17IND03 Final Publishable Report 17IND03 LaVA poster Open access publications High-Index Glass Ball Retroreflectors for Measuring Lateral Positions Investigating the use of the hydrogen cyanide (HCN) as an absorption media for laser spectroscopy Artifact-free coordinate registration of heterogeneous Large-Scale Metrology systems Model-based interfacing of large-scale metrology instruments Assessment of the mechanical errors of a prototype of an optical multilateration system Prototype for dual digital traceability of metrology data using X.509 and IOTA Uncertainty assessment of a prototype of multilateration coordinate measurement system Compact differential plane interferometer with in-axis mirror tilt detection Absolute multilateration-based coordinate measurement system using retroreflecting glass spheres Measurement of the Hydrogen Cyanide Absorption Lines’ Centers with the Potential for Mise en Pratique Saturated Spectroscopy of HCN Multilateration with Self-Calibration: Uncertainty Assessment, Experimental Measurements and Monte-Carlo Simulations Optimised calibration of machine vision system for close range photogrammetry based on machine learning Absolute frequencies of H13C14N hydrogen cyanide hyper-fine transitions in 1.5 µm region with saturated spectroscopy and sub-kHz scanning laser Improved acoustic thermometry for long-distance temperature measurements Investigation on modulation-based straightness measurement An SI-traceable multilateration coordinate measurement system with half the uncertainty of a laser tracker Theses and scientific reports Optical thermometry for determining the refractive index of air, Aalto University Metrologic investigation of mechanical parts using 3-dimensional scanner Patents Método y sistema para el seguimiento espacial de objetos (Method and system for the spatial tracking of objects), P201930991 Open Access Data and Software Data from paper ‘Absolute multilateration-based coordinate measurement system using retroreflecting glass spheres’: Software implementation code for the Unified device interface: Conference presentations and posters Investigating the use of the hydrogen cyanide (HCN) as an absorption media for laser spectroscopy, The 21st Czech-Polish-Slovak optical conference on wave and quantum aspects of contemporary optics Using HCN as an absorption media for laser spectroscopy, Laser 58 Acoustic system for average temperature measurement along a short distance, 3DMC 2019 Evaluation and improvement of localization algorithms based on UWB Pozyx system, The 27th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks Assessment of the mechanical uncertainties of a novel and affordable multilateration system, 3DMC 2019 Artifact-free coordinate registration of Large-Scale Metrology Systems, CIRP General Assembly June 2019 Model-based interfacing of Large-Scale Metrology instruments, SPIE Optical Metrology, Munich June 2019 Ambient air spectroscopy and thermometry for accurate distance measurement, The 13th Japan-Finland Joint Symposium on Optics in Engineering, August 2019 Spectroscopy of ambient air and thermometry for distance measurement, Optics and Photonics Days 2019 Multilateration, 3DMC 2019 Acoustic thermometry of air, 3DMC 2019 Fringe pattern of retroreflecting lateral targets, CIRP STC ‘P’ meeting August 2019 Dimensional metrology in practice, Enrico Fermi Varenna Summer School on Metrology A prototype high-accuracy, multi-sensory, multi-target coordinate metrology system using frequency scanning interferometry, ESA Workshop on Videogrammetry & Contactless Deformation Measurements December 2019 A Metrology approach for camera calibration based on traceable artefact, EUSPEN 20th International Conference June 2020 Robotic 3D measurement system for large volume part investigation, 3DMC 2021 Robot characterization based on a multilateration system with retroreflecting spheres n=2 as targets, 3DMC 2021 Inputs to standardization and metrology committees Presentation of research activities to ISO TC213 WG10, September 2018 (Poznan, PL) Presentation of research activities to ISO TC213 WG10, January 2019 (Geneva, CH) Presentation of research activities to ISO TC213 WG10, September 2019 (Berlin, DE) Training activities Laser tracker best practice workshop, CMSC, Orlando USA, July 2019 Large Volume Metrology video training material, video material used for CMSC, Orlando USA, July 2019 Model-Based Use of IoT Protocols, training workshop, May 2019 Laser tracker workshop, 3DMC, London UK, Nov 2019 Markerless photogrammetry, Nov 2019 External and media links LaVA meeting at INRIM, Jan 2020 INRIM Facebook – LaVA meeting Jan 2020 (post 14 Jan 2020) (Permanent link) Case study on using FSI technology to verify performance of spacecraft engines Mapvision using the LaVA-developed calibration artefact Case study: a low-cost 3D large volume metrology system for factories of the future