The project formally ended on 31 August 2024, with delivery of the outstanding Deliverables items. The project team met in late August at the University of Bath and was able to see a demonstration of the accuracy improvement obtained by their researcher using an H-infinity control system utilising inputs from a laser tracker. The project… Read More

The project has reached the M27 stage and lots has been going on. We’ve been busy on many fronts, not just with the research, but also attending standards and metrology committees, writing papers, presenting our work at major conferences and also co-chairing Europe’s prestigious 3D Metrology conference (3DMC) which included a session of several presentations… Read More

The project is nearly at the half-way point (February 2023) and is preparing the documents for the progress reporting and the Mid-Term review. Full details will appear here when the reports have been signed off, but as a ‘preview’ we are pleased to report the following. The project is broadly on track, with some items… Read More

In June 2022, DynaMITE had been running for nine months, triggering a short progress review. We were happy to report to our funding body that the project was broadly on track. In terms of the technical deliverables: Development of a faster scanning laser had started. An initial delay on sourcing the required Graphics Processing Units… Read More