August 8, 2022 The LaVA project has now ended. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a 9 month delay in the project because the research labs and partners involved had to close their facilities and transition to working from home. This meant that there was effectively a 6 month pause in research activities followed by a 3 month ramp-up back to full operation. Because of this, the project was extended by 9 months, but due to the ongoing pandemic, it was not possible to offer some of the planned multi-partner demonstration activities. Instead, smaller individual demonstrations were performed ‘at home’ by several partners. In the end, all of the deliverables of LaVA were delivered, the number of papers etc. that were published exceeded the target and some project outputs are already being exploited and requested by the end user community. LaVA is ended but some strands of work continue in the follow-on project, DynaMITE.