The final work shop was attended by some 70 people from industry and the normative standards community.  The zipped slides with hyperlinked agenda from the three hour workshop are available here… Read More

The SupraEMI project won a best paper award at the CIRED conference in September.  CIRED is the premier international conference for the electricity distribution industry and is widely attended by industry engineers and academics.  The award was won by Victor Khokhlov of the Technische Universitaet Dresden for his work leading this collaborative paper “APPLICATION OF… Read More

A waveform library which contains recorded and synthesised waveforms is available here .  The waveforms are intended as a resource for researchers and algorithm developers.  A document is included for each waveform in the library describing the recording scenario together with file formats and how the associated waveform data file was produced.  … Read More

The latest summary of the SupraEMI project and it its research outcomes so far are summarized in in the publishable summary document that has just been released and is available here.… Read More

11th December 2020: The project team have working to establish a new method to be used as an industry standard for 2 to 150kHz grid measurements.  This involves hardware development, traceability methods and algorithm development and selection.  Five new open access (free to download) peer reviewed publications describe our work to date and these can… Read More

18th November 2020: The SupraEMI project has setup a data repository where we will deposit captured waveform data and/or frequency spectra for 2-150kHz emissions.  These waveforms will be captured from various equipment connected to the electricity supply.  The waveforms a free to use for R&D purposes such as testing algorithms or understanding emissions (but we… Read More

Two papers were presented to the Conference for Precision Electromagnetic Metrology (CPEM 2020).  One paper described a new real-time algorithm to measure supra harmonics in the frequency range 2-150kHz which will be used to measure conducted interference on the electricity network. This interference is often caused by renewable energy and EV power convertors which leads… Read More