The overall objective of the project is to develop a measurement framework for supraharmonics in the electricity network, such that realistic, credible and measurable procedures for compliance assessment can be incorporated into normative standards. The specific objectives of the project are: 1. To formulate a new normative method to measure supraharmonics (2 to 150 kHz) in electricity networks suitable for inclusion in the redefinition of IEC 61000-4-30 Edition 4, and which should be compatible with the method defined by CISPR 16, which is only appropriate for equipment emission measurements in laboratory. In addition, to implement the new method using suitable portable and traceable instrument(s) to measure voltage and current in the supraharmonic frequency range with accuracies of ≤ 1 %. 2. To validate the new method by conducting a laboratory comparison of the new method with the existing methods in IEC 61000-4-7 (2-9 kHz) and CISPR 16 (9-150 kHz) using the respective artificial mains networks (AMN) to represent the impedance of the electricity network, and examining emissions from a selection of electrical appliances. 3. To determine the suitability of supraharmonic compatibility levels (as defined in IEC 61000 2 2) by measuring the emissions from a selection of electrical appliances connected in a selection of LV networks. To use these on-site LV network measurements and to compare with the laboratory measurements to determine the suitability of the AMN approach as a realistic laboratory representation of LV network conditions. 4. To verify the applicability of the AMN characteristics by measuring network impedance characteristics of a number of typical LV electricity networks with a target uncertainty of 5 %. Measurements below 9 kHz will be used to verify the IEC 61000-4-7 AMN and measurements in the range 9 to 150 kHz will be used to verify the CISPR 16 AMN. 5. To contribute to the standards development work of the technical committees IEC SC77A WG 1, 8 and 9, and CISPR 16 by providing recommendations on improvements to supraharmonic measurement methods (4-30), and the normative specification for the AMN in-line impedances (4 7 and 2-2) as well as how these new methods should be applied to compare levels measured in the electricity network with supraharmonic compatibility levels (2-2), and ensure that the outputs of the projects are aligned with their needs, communicated to those developing the standards and to those who will use them, and in a form that can be incorporated into the standards at the earliest opportunity.