A webinar was held to present the results of the MeterEMI project as it concludes. The 2.5-hour meeting was attended by over 100 industry and standardisation experts. The presentations from the meeting are available for individual download using the hyperlinks in the agenda below.



  1. Background to the project and the problem with static meter errors when exposed to fast switching currents.Paul Wright, NPL.
  2. On-site capture of critical waveforms at meter connection points in The Netherlands, Spain and Norway. Waveform representation and effect on meter errors. Bas Tenhave, UTwente
  3. The representation of interference waveforms future testing using a piece-wise method. Marco A. Azpurua/Marc Pous, UPC
  4. Compact representation of type-testing waveforms using wavelets. Stefano Lodetti, NPL
  5. A benchmark meter for settling customer complaints. Zander Marais/Helko Van Den Brom, VSL
  6. An arbitrary waveform based rig for meter testing. Ronald van Leeuwen, VSL / Peter Davis, NPL
  7. A test bed based the IEC61000-4-19 immunity apparatus.  Jonathan Braun, METAS / Karel Pitas, CMI
  8. The results from testing a sample of European static meter types.  Helko Van Den Brom, VSL
  9. Next steps in standardisation.   Paul Wright, NPL.


Paul Wright, Stefano Lodetti, Peter Davis, National Physical Laboratory, UK.
Helko Van Den Brom, Ronald Leeuwen, Zander Marais, VSL, The Netherlands,
Bas Tenhave, University of Twente, The Netherlands,
Marco A. Azpurua, UPC
Jonathan Braun, METAS
Karel Pitas, CMI.


This project 17NRM02 MeterEMI has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.