Progress reports

Two progress reports, summarising progress in Workpackages 1 and 2 at the project halfway stage can be downloaded here:



Best-Practice Guides

Two Best-Practice Guides, based on work performed in this project, can be downloaded here:

Guide 1 – Characterisation of countermeasures to side-channel & Trojan-horse attacks

Guide1 – Characterisation of components of free-space QKD

Lecture Course

A Short lecture course: Single-photon metrology and its application to quantum technologies was co-organised with SPW2017 (Single Photon Workshop 2017) and held on the Tuesday of the Workshop – see Workshop Programme.  The lectures will be made available on this page soon.


The presentation given by Stefan Kueck in the workshop, which  gives an overview on single-photon sources and detectors for quantum radiometry, can be viewed here


A symposium was co-organised with the ETSI ISG-QKD at  QCrypt 2017, on the topic of ‘Assurance and Certification for Quantum Communication Technologies’


The recorded presentations are available here.

MIQC2 and MIQC2-related Lectures

The European Coordinated Effort to develop the Metrology for Quantum Cryptography (Ivo Degiovanni, INRIM; presented at QCrypt2017)

Single-photon sources and detectors for quantum radiometry (Stefan Kuck, PTB; presented at SPW2017)

Single-photon detectors (Alberto Tosi, Politecnico di Milano, 2018)

Experimental realisations of discrete-variable QKD (Hugo Zbinden, University of Geneva; presented at QCall Summer School 2018)

Measurement-device independent QKD (Marco Lucamarini, Toshiba Cambridge Research Laboratory;  presented at QCall Summer School 2018)

Quantum Imaging_MIQC2_lecture_1 (Ivano Ruo Bechera, INRIM, 2018)

Quantum Imaging_MIQC2_lecture_2 (Ivano Ruo Bechera, INRIM, 2018)

Quantum Imaging MIQC2_lecture_3 (Ivano Ruo Bechera, INRIM, 2018)

Earlier Lectures

Metrology for QKD (Christopher Chunnilall, NPL; created for MIQC1, 2014)