The aim of the project is to accelerate the development and commercial uptake of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) technologies by developing traceable measurement techniques, apparatus, and protocols that will underpin the characterisation and validation of the performance and security of such systems. The key objectives are: To develop efficient measurement techniques for characterising counter-measures to hacking attacks on fibre-based QKD systems; To develop calibration techniques for new high-speed single-photon detectors for fibre-based QKD; To develop measurement techniques for characterising components of free-space QKD systems; To carry out pilot comparisons to validate the techniques developed; To develop measurement techniques for characterising quantum states; To provide two Best-Practice Guides, one on characterisation of counter-measures to hacking attacks, and one on characterisation of components of free-space QKD systems; Create impact via contributions to international guidelines/standards (e.g. ETSI) and showcase examples of project outputs. View project partners