This project worked closely with the ETSI Industry Specification Group on QKD – ETSI ISG-QKD Partners IDQ, INRIM, NPL, PTB and TREL are members of the ETSI ISG-QKD, which is currently chaired by Andrew Shields of TREL. MEETINGS Partners INRIM, NPL, and TREL participated in the 18th meeting of the ETSI ISG-QKD, which was hosted in Cambridge(UK )by TREL in June 2015. Partners INRIM, NPL, and TREL participated in the 19th meeting of the ETSI ISG-QKD, which was hosted in Madrid(Spain) by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in December 2015. Partners INRIM, NPL, and TREL participated in the 20th meeting of the ETSI ISG-QKD, which was hosted in Turin(Italy)by INRIM in June 2016 Partners INRIM, NPL, and TREL participated in the 21st meeting of the ETSI ISG-QKD, which was hosted in Vienna(Austria) by AIT in December 2016 Partners IDQ, INRIM, NPL and TREL participated in the 22nd meeting of the ETSI ISG-QKD, which was hosted in London(UK) by NPL in June 2017 Attendees at London meeting Partners IDQ, INRIM, NPL and TREL participated in the 23rd meeting of the ETSI ISG-QKD, which was hosted in Munich(Germany) by Huawei in December 2017 GROUP SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS New Group Specification document published ETSI GS QKD 011: Component characterization: Characterizing optical components for QKD systems – download from The drafting of this document was led by NPL, with significant input from INRIM, PTB & TREL. ETSI GR QKD 003 : Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Components and Internal Interfaces – published March 2018. Download from The drafting of this document was led by NPL, with significant input from IDQ, INRIM, & TREL. The following Group Specification documents currently in draft received significant input from this project: ETSI GS QKD 010: Implementation Security – Protection against Trojan horse attacks in one-way QKD systems (TREL lead) ETSI GS QKD 013: Characterisation of Optical Output of QKD transmitter modules (INRIM lead)