You can help! If you have a specific measurement or inspection need relating to highly-parallel manufacturing, and can help us with a high-profile test-case, please contact us. We can tailor dissemination to suit commercially-sensitive applications. If you can help us prove the benefits of our metrology, please contact the coordination team. If you already sell interactive products made with HPM techniques, and want to be involved with dissemination activity, please contact the coordination team. We invite potential research collaborators and suppliers to get in touch with collaboration ideas. Clear needs enable targeted innovation and meaningful impact. Three key needs tackled in MetHPM are: Fast 3D feature inspection (today: only 2D practical) – applications: solar, healthcare, stock logistics. Substrate metrology for 10 µm accuracy multilayer registration (today: 50 µm) – applications: large-area electronics for lighting, displays, sensors. Production speed QC for functional structured surfaces (today: no suitable quality control) – applications: anti-microbial surfaces, security holograms.