Workshop: 13th April 2021 – Workshop on Generation and Handling of Reactive Gases, hosted by Stefan Persijn (VSL) & Tuomas Hieta (Gasera). Location: Online (Link circulated on registration). Read more… Workshop: 17th November 2020 – Workshop on Airborne Chemical Contamination, hosted by Tuomas Hieta (Gasera). Location: Online (Link circulated on registration). Workshop: 5th November 2020 – Workshop on Advanced Optical Spectroscopy for Gas Detection, co-hosted by Tuomas Hieta (Gasera) & Geoff Barwood (NPL). Location: Online via MS Teams (Link circulated on registration). Read more… Deliverable D2: Report describing the potential and capability of the developed spectroscopic instruments for HCl detection. Read more… Deliverable D1: Summary Report describing the results of the study into current state-of-the-art spectroscopy methods, materials research for the effects on physical instrumentation in the presence of HCl, and investigations into determining the optimal spectral windows for HCl and water detection, including the availability of laser sources. Read more… Deliverable D4: A good practice guide on the handling and use of static HCl materials, with an introduction from VSL on YouTube. Read more… Deliverable D7: Specification for the Metrology of Airborne Molecular Contaminants. Read more… Output 1: Sampling Lines for HCl (Stefan Persijn, Evtim Efremov, VSL, Delft, The Netherlands). Read more… Output 2: Other applications for MetAMCII spectroscopy methods (Lisa Naskali, Gasera, Finland). Read more… Output 3: Economic impact of MetAMCII project results. Read more…