February 1, 2022 One of the objectives in the ISO GScope project is to lead and undertake 4 international interlaboratory studies. These will be used to test and validate the methods being developed in the project that will form the basis of the ISO standards on methods to measure graphene related two-dimensional material flakes. The four international interlaboratory studies planned are: XPS of functionalized graphene AFM and SEM of graphene flakes Raman spectroscopy of graphene flakes SEM of graphene oxide flakes These are being undertaken under the auspices of VAMAS, an international pre-normative organisation. VAMAS is split into a number of technical working areas (TWAs) and ISO GSCope are working with TWA 41 Graphene and Related 2D Materials, TWA 42 Raman Spectroscopy and Microscopy and TWA 2 Surface Chemical Analysis in enable these comparisons to happen. The consortium are currently drafting the protocols, manufacturing test materials and testing both of them. The 4 interlaboratory studies will launch later in the year. If you’d like to take part in any of these studies, please contact the ISO GSCope project leader: Charles.clifford@npl.co.uk