A successful M18 IMPRESS 2 Project meeting took place in Delft, The Netherlands on the 28 – 29 December 2018. The meeting was hosted by project partner VSL. The partners came together to look at the work that had been completed between March – November on the project and also to look ahead at the work… Read More

Alexander Fateev of project partner DTU has provided an update illustrating some of the work progressing between February and November 2018 under WP1. Part I: UV measurements Introduction Proper ammonia and formaldehyde optically-based measurements in stacks require either the measurements have to be performed in situ (i.e. directly in the gas) or by bypassing of… Read More

Jes Sig Andersen of project partner DTI (Danish Technology Institute) recently gave a short presentation on the IMPRESS 2 project at the recent CEN/TC295 WG 5 meeting at the BSI in London on the 8th November. As well as presenting the background, purpose, main structure and the framework of the project, Jes also provided focus on… Read More

Maurizio Gualtieri of project partner ENEA has provided an update illustrating some of the work progressing between February and November 2018 under WP2 of the tests performed at INNOVHUB on the dilutor system ENEA have developed. The different tests performed at Innovhub aimed at the evaluation of the rate of condensation of the compounds used… Read More

Sara Janhäll, Daniel Bäckström and Lennart Gustavsson of project partner RISE have produced a report derived from A2.1.4* under WP2. Emissions of particles and organic compounds from small and medium scaled biomass combustion provides background information both on different emission standards used in combustion appliances and on the development of the particles from the combustion… Read More

Guillermo Guarnizo of project partner UC3M has provided an update illustrating the work progressing between February and November 2018 under WP2. After the completion of the A2.3.1 survey (November 2017), UC3M has focused attention on activity A2.3.3* related to FTIR spectroscopic techniques and primarily on the development of retrieval algorithms for identification and quantification of… Read More

Daniel Bäckström of project partner RISE who has provided some photos illustrating the work progressing under Activity 2.1.2. of WP2. For A2.1.2, INERIS, RISE and DTI will each perform on the INERIS Stack Simulator Facility solid PM and OGC measurements in accordance with EN_PME_TEST. Photo 1 shows the Intercomparison of the test method EN-PME-TEST performed… Read More

Francesco D’Amato of project partner CNR-INO has provided an update on the work progressing under WP1: Measurements of Ammonia mixing ratio for the assessment of the behaviour of Direct Absorption vs Derivative techniques One of the main problems of measuring the mixing ratios of gaseous molecular species in stacks is the interference due to the… Read More

Sara Janhäll of project partner RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) recently presented on the IMPRESS 2 Project at the 8th biennial meeting of the Gothenburg Air and Climate Centre. The event brought together people interested in issues ranging from air quality, to weather forecasting and climate change to discuss current and future areas of research… Read More