Sara Janhäll, Daniel Bäckström and Lennart Gustavsson of project partner RISE have produced a report derived from A2.1.4* under WP2.

Emissions of particles and organic compounds from small and medium scaled biomass combustion provides background information both on different emission standards used in combustion appliances and on the development of the particles from the combustion zone to the ambient air at a larger distance from the source. The development of the particles change the amount of particles originating form biomass combustion by both number and mass. Input data for this study is taken from the literature and from a survey sent to laboratories engaged in emission measurement from small to medium scaled biomass combustion facilities.

The report can also be found over on our Documents and publications page.



RISE with support from INERIS and DTI will identify and evaluate by sampling methods the applicable and feasible parameters for characterising PM (condensable and solid) and SVOCs emissions, the ad-hoc emissions measurement methods and techniques for condensable PM and SVOCs. This will include any relevant ISO or US EPA methods, national member state methods from within Europe and a review of ad-hoc emissions data of PM (solid and condensable) as well as emissions data available in the literature.