November 28, 2019 Francesco D’Amato of project partner CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) recently presented the project at the 2019 INO Annual Symposium. A poster from the presentation; Terrestrial and airborne optical analyzers for the detection of greenhouse gases in environmental applications is now available to download from here and also over at our Documents and Publications page. The National Institute of Optics (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, CNR-INO) has been working for over ninety years in the broad field of Optics, updating its activities in line with the huge innovations that have characterized this area over the last century. Its main activities include pure and applied research, technology transfer, and training. These are accompanied by metrology, consulting, and testing services for both public institutions and private companies. The INO Annual Symposium brings together researchers from INO and other Institutes of CNR, academic communities, presenting and discussing their most recent scientific results in a lively three-day meeting. The 2019 edition focused on the applications of optics and photonics to the global challenges of environment and health.