July 10, 2018 In July 2018 Alouette completed and graduated her studies in aerospace engineering as a member of project partner TU Delft, Alouette completed her MSc work within the IMPRESS II project, under work package 3; “Flow uncertainty and impact on annualized mass emissions”. Flow measurement uncertainty due to S-Pitot sensor obstruction in narrow exhaust stacks was investigated both numerically, through advanced computational fluid dynamics simulations, and through measurements in the VSL laboratory. New insights into the blockage and wall effect uncertainty sources were obtained that can serve as input in further standardization work for flow uncertainty in narrow stacks. Insightful recommendations on using computational fluid dynamics simulations for flow uncertainty propagation due to sensor obstruction and wall effects are given. The S-Pitot flow measurement device is commonly used in industry, showing the need to perform the flow uncertainty studies within this project. Alouette’s thesis; Towards effective emission regulations: A numerical and experimental study on flow measurement uncertainty in stacks, is now available to download here and also from our Documents and Publications page.