NPL – the National Physical Laboratory – has developed a unique system allows transport measurements under highly-controlled environments, enabling environmentally specific graphene characterisation. In summary, this system offers the following services: Magneto-transport measurements of patterned and un-patterned samples; Operation in ambient and vacuum (P≈10-7 mbar) conditions; Four gases dilution down to 5 ppb; Humidity ranges 0–90%; Heating… Read More

INRiM – Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica – is developing an experimental set-up for electrical resistance tomography (ERT). The system, placed in an electromagnetic shielded environment at constant temperature, performs series of four-terminal trans-resistance measurements in different contact configurations by means of a current source, a voltmeter and a reed-relay switch unit. dgflick album xpress… Read More

The members of the consortium will attend the following conferences: NPL: Epitaxial graphene sensor for ultra-low NO2 concentrations for environmental monitoring – poster presentation (Graphene Week 2018, September 2018, Spain); Mapping quasi-free-standing graphene on SiC wafer – poster presentation (Graphene 2018, June 2018, Germany). INRiM: Conductivity map of graphene samples via Electrical Resistance Tomography –… Read More

The GRACE consortium held its first official meeting on 31 January 2018. The following topics were discussed: Organisation of work on the GPGs (templates, terms and definitions, measurement principles calibration of instrument’s and typical results); Discussions regarding proposed stakeholder committee; Involvement in IEC/TC113 committee; Progress report for Month 9; Proposal for mid-term meeting during the… Read More