The Grace project will deliver novel metrology for electrical characterisation of graphene, to enable standardized electrical measurements of future graphene-based electronics.

Grace runs until July 2020 and includes the following objectives:

  • Development of accurate and traceable approach for the electrical characterisation of graphene for both contact measurement and non-contact electrical measurement of its properties, with traceability to the electrical SI units
  • Development of high-throughput approach for the electrical characterisation of graphene, with the development of novel methodologies for non-contact electrical characterisations and their validation with established techniques
  • Dissemination of the methodologies established in this project in the form of Good Practice Guides (GPGs) and input to documentary standards
  • Contribution to the standards development work of the technical committee of IEC/TC113
GRACE Good Practice Guides for the electrical characterisation of graphene are available in open access now.


GPG 1 - Contact Methods

GPG 1 – Contact Methods

GPG 2 - Non-contact and High-throughput Methods

GPG 2 – Non-contact and High-throughput Methods