Peer reviewed articles ARC 3.0: An expanded Python toolbox for atomic physics calculations E. Robertson, N. Šibalić, R. M. Potvliege, M. P. A. Jones Comp. Phys. Comms. 261 (2021) 107814. Improving the Q Factor of an Optical Atomic Clock Using Quantum Nondemolition Measurement William Bowden, Alvise Vianello, Ian R. Hill, Marco Schioppo, and Richard Hobson Phys. Rev. X. 10 (2020) 041052. Prospects and challenges for squeezing-enhanced optical atomic clocks Marius Schulte, Christian Lisdat, Piet O. Schmidt, Uwe Sterr, Klemens Hammerer Nature Commun. 11 (2020) 5955. Heisenberg-Limited Noisy Atomic Clock Using a Hybrid Coherent and Squeezed State Protocol L. Pezzè and A. Smerzi Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 210503. Dynamic decoupling of laser phase noise in compound atomic clocks S. Dörscher, A. Al-Masoudi, M. Bober, R. Schwarz, R. Hobson, U. Sterr, and C. Lisdat Commun. Phys. 3 (2020) 185. Toward a quantum-enhanced strontium optical lattice clock at INRIM M. G. Tarallo EPJ Web. Conf. 230 (2020) 00011. Number-resolved imaging of 88Sr atoms in a long working distance optical tweezer Niamh Christina Jackson, Ryan Keith Hanley, Matthew Hill, Frédéric Leroux, Charles S. Adams, Matthew Philip Austin Jones SciPost Physics 8 (2020) 038. Characterisation and feasibility study for superradiant lasing in 40 Ca atoms A. Gogyan, G. Kazakov, M. Bober, and M. Zawada Optics Express 28 (2020) 6881. Lasing on a narrow transition in a cold thermal strontium ensemble Stefan A. Schäffer, Mikkel Tang, Martin R. Henriksen, Asbjørn A. Jørgensen, Bjarke T. R. Christensen, and Jan W. Thomsen Phys. Rev. A, 101 (2020) 013819. Sideband-enhanced cold atomic source for optical clocks Matteo Barbiero, Marco G. Tarallo, Davide Calonico, Filippo Levi, Giacomo Lamporesi, and Gabriele Ferrari Phys. Rev. Applied 13 (2020) 014013. Experimental low-latency device-independent quantum randomness Yanbao Zhang, Lynden K. Shalm, Joshua C. Bienfang, Martin J. Stevens, Michael D. Mazurek, Sae Woo Nam, Carlos Abellán, Waldimar Amaya, Morgan W. Mitchell, Honghao Fu, Carl A. Miller, Alan Mink, and Emanuel Knill Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 010505. Cavity-enhanced non-destructive detection of atoms for an optical lattice clock R. Hobson, W. Bowden, A. Vianello, I. R. Hill, and P. Gill Optics Express 27 (2019) 37099. Maltese cross coupling to individual cold atoms in free space Natalia Bruno, Lorena C. Bianchet, Vindhiya Prakash, Nan Li, Natália Alves, and Morgan W. Mitchell Optics Express 27 (2019) 31042. Narrowband photon pairs with independent frequency tuning for quantum light-matter interactions Vindhiya Prakash, Lorena C. Bianchet, Marc T. Cuairan, Pau Gomez, Natalia Bruno, and Morgan W. Mitchell Optics Express 27 (2019) 38463. Multipartite-entanglement tomography of a quantum simulator Marco Gabbrielli, Luca Lepori, and Luca Pezzè New J. Phys. 21 (2019) 033039. Metrological nonlinear squeezing parameter Manuel Gessner, Augusto Smerzi, and Luca Pezzè Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 090503. Sensitivity bounds for interferometry with Ising Hamiltonians Yan Li, Luca Pezzè, Weidong Li, and Augusto Smerzi Phys. Rev. A, 99 (2019) 022324. Experimental measurement-dependent local Bell test with human free will Yang Liu, Xiao Yuan, Cheng Wu, Weijun Zhang, Jian-Yu Guan, Jiaqiang Zhong, Hao Li, Ming-Han Li, Carlos Abellán, Morgan W. Mitchell, Sheng-Cai Shi, Jingyun Fan, Lixing You, Zhen Wang, Xiongfeng Ma, Qiang Zhang, and Jian-Wei Pan Phys. Rev. A, 99 (2019) 022115. Fast and optimal generation of entanglement in bosonic Josephson junctions Giacomo Sorelli, Manuel Gessner, Augusto Smerzi, and Luca Pezzè Phys. Rev. A, 99 (2019) 022329. Submitted to peer reviewed journals Ph.D. theses Cavity-enhanced optical clocks Stefan Alaric Schäffer Ph. D. thesis (2019) University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science and Niels Bohr Institute Novel techniques for a strontium optical lattice clock Matteo Barbiero Ph. D. thesis (2019) Politecnico di Torino and INRIM Master theses Towards continuous cavity-enhanced spectroscopy on cold atoms Mathias Bouchacourt M. Sc. thesis (2018) University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science and Niels Bohr Institute Modelling lasing in a thermal strontium ensemble Mikkel Tang Master’s thesis in physics (2018) University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science and Niels Bohr Institute