Combination of Brillouin amplification and a repeater laser station supports frequency transfer with 20 digit accuracy TiFOON partners PTB, LPL (Université Paris 13) and LNE-SYRTE have demonstrated more than 5 days of phase-coherent operation of the optical fibre link between Braunschweig and Strasbourg. The architecture, a combination of a Repeater Laser Station and Fibre Brillouin Amplifiers, was analysed over several long segments of continuous operation, covering 65 days of data in… Read More
Bidirectional fibre is key for accurate optical frequency transfer TiFOON partners AGH and PSNC have studied the performance of optical frequency transfer in duplex unidirectional DWDM networks. This approach to optical frequency transfer uses existing telecommunication infrastructure without the need for modifications to the installed fibre and equipment, making it very cost effective compared to dark fibre or dark channel. The research, published in… Read More