January 19, 2023 The consortium is pleased to announce the publication of two best practice guides derived from the activities of the project. Best practice guide for the preparation of static primary NO2 reference standards and Best practice guide for the use of static and dynamic gas standards at monitoring stations including the evaluation of measurement uncertainty. Best practice guide for the preparation of static primary NO2 reference standards looks at the preparation of static primary NO2 reference standards (D1), while Best practice guide for the use of static and dynamic gas standards at monitoring stations including the evaluation of measurement uncertainty the use of static and dynamic gas standards at monitoring stations including the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty (D5). D1 will create direct impact as it will be used by the NMI/DI community and speciality gas companies and D5 will create direct impact as it will be used by the air quality monitoring community e.g. WMO GAW, EMEP, AQUILA. These will provide impact as they can be used to help train air quality monitoring station personnel in the standard operating procedures. You can find both guides in the links above.