Although the Metrology for nitrogen dioxide (MetNO2) project has come to a close, we would like to share with you our Final Report and Final Summary.

The research leading to these results was made possible by the European Union through the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR). We would also like to thank all within the project consortium; CMI, DFM, IL, LNE, NILU, TUBITAK, VSL, AU, DWD, FZ-Juelich, KCL, UoY, Empa, METAS and PTB.

We would also like to thank the stakeholders for their valuable contributions throughout the lifetime of the project; WMO GAW Scientific Advisory Group, WMO Atmospheric Environment Research Division Research Department, UNECE, ACTRIS, Greater London Authority, ISO TC158 Gas Analysis, CEN TC 264 Air Quality, IAGOS, ASPA ATMO Alsace Environment, Aerodyne Research, Picarro, Silcotek, SAES Getters, Emission Analytics, LNI Swissgas, Nanosystems and technologies, Air Liquide and BIPM