Coordinator, Internal Funded Partner

Dr Tian Hong Loh is a Senior Research Scientist at the UK National Physical Laboratory (NPL). He is a member of IEEE, a meTian Hong Lohmber of IET, a Visiting Reader at the University of Surrey and a committee member of UK URSI Commission A. He holds three patents and has authored or co-authored over 70 refereed publications and conference contributions on applied and computational electromagnetics. He has also acted on the technical programme committee for several international conferences and as technical reviewer for several international journals and new book proposals on these subjects. He is the co-ordinator of this project and works on WP1 and WP2.

Research activities include: applied and computational electromagnetic metrology research in support of the electronics and communications industry


Dr David Humphreys is a Principal Research Scientist at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Corporate Member of the IETdah (UK) and a Senior Member of IEEE (USA). He has served on various conference technical-committees including CPEM 2012. He was awarded the IEE Ambrose Fleming Premium in 1987 and has published over 90 journal and conference papers. He is working on WP1, WP2 and WP3.

Research activities include: full-waveform characterization of the primary-standard electro-optic sampling system, RF waveforms for wireless communications, nonlinear RF component measurements and correlated waveform uncertainties.


Professor Nick Ridler is a Principal Research Scientist at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory.  His area of research is high-frequency precision electromagnetic measurement.  Nick is Chair of IEEE Standard Working Group P1785 “Waveguide for Millimeter and Submillieter WavNick Ridlerelengths”, Vice-chair of IEEE Standard Working Group P287 “Precision Coaxial Connectors at RF, Microwave and Millimeter-wave Frequencies”, Vice-chair of the MTT-S Standards Coordinating Committee, and, Member of the IEEE MTT-4 “Terahertz Technology and Applications” Technical Committee. Previously, Nick was President of ARFTG (2011-2013) and Chair of IEEE MTT-11 “Microwave Measurements” Technical Committee (2010-2012). He is an IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow and Chartered Engineer (CEng). He is working on WP3.

Research activities: Measurements for THz electronics applications; High-speed digital Printed Circuit Board (PCB) measurement; High-frequency nonlinear device characterisation; Measurement errors and uncertainties; RF and microwave measurement