Malvern Panalytical approached project partner NPL with their, now released, Zetasizer Ultra. This has improved capability to measure nanoparticle concentration due to the combination of multi-angle DLS (MADLS) and adaptive correlation. As one of the industrial collaborators of the NPL-led EMPIR Innanopart project, Malvern Panalytical had knowledge of the expertise within the consortium and wanted… Read More

Caterina Minelli of NPL’s Surface Technology group is leading the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) TWA34 (Nanoparticle populations) Project 10 interlaboratory comparison on the measurement of number concentration of nanoparticles. The study will run in parallel with the BIPM CCQM-P194 pilot study (led by LGC) on the same materials. The materials chosen… Read More

This one-day symposium, organised by the Analytical Division East Anglia Region of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), will bring together academics, measurement experts, instrument manufacturers, nanomaterials producers and industries interested in their use and applications. Find out more and register online… Read More

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is now recruiting participants to a VAMAS inter-laboratory comparison on number concentration of colloidal nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are increasingly used in innovative products manufactured by advanced industries and provide enhanced, unique properties of great commercial and societal value. The measurement of number concentration of particles in colloidal suspension is of major… Read More

10 – 12 January 2017 The spICP-MS data analysis workshop took place at RIKILT Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen, The Netherlands), 10-12 January 2017. The workshop was organized by three European projects: NanoFASE, Innanopart, and NanoDefine. The theoretical and lab components of the workshop were designed for PhDs and researchers from academia, industry and measurement… Read More

Consortium member Alex Shard was selected as guest editor for a special issue of the journal ‘Biointerphases’ focussed on the properties and measurement of nanoparticle interfaces. Such interfaces play a critical role in the development of new medical diagnostics and treatments. Consortium members NPL and BAM as well as many Innanopart collaborators contributed papers to… Read More

NPL’s Caterina Minelli delivered the invited talk in the “Advances for Complicated Sample Preparation Strategies” session at the 63rd meeting of the American Vacuum Society (AVS), where she discussed the current challenges in particle measurements. The talk was well received, sparking further discussion in the audience, including Innanopart collaborators, which highlighted the urgent need for further guidance… Read More

The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan is consulting NPL’s Caterina Minelli to develop measurement methods for nanoparticles in wastewaters from the manufacturing plants of the semiconductor industry. Health and environmental concerns for such particles are motivating ITRI to tackle the significant challenge of measuring nanoparticle concentrations below 1000 nanoparticle/mL for nanoparticles with size… Read More