July 1, 2016 Project partner Caterina Minelli from NPL delivered a plenary talk at the IOP meeting ‘Nanoparticle Characterisation – Challenges for the Community’ and was member of the panel that led the discussion on the topic. The work performed at NPL in the nanoparticles’ characterisation area was also widely referenced by other presenters, which included Prof Richard Palmer (University of Birmingham) and Prof Pete Dobson (University of Oxford). The meeting confirmed NPL is actively tackling the major challenges for the community and highlighted the impact NPL is generating in the area. This was well-represented by the best poster award that was presented to Natalie Belsey (NPL) for the poster entitled ‘A VAMAS inter-laboratory study of the Measurement of Chemistry and Thickness of Nanoparticle Coatings’ by Natalie Belsey, David Cant, Caterina Minelli and Alex Shard.