January 13, 2020 Zhechao Qu of project partner PTB recently presented a poster on an aspect of the project at the International Workshop on International Workshop on “Clean Combustion: Principles and Applications” 2019 which took place on the 25-26 Sep at the Conference Welcome Hotel in Darmstadt, Germany. The poster, Realization a TDLAS based method as an optical gas standard for the quantification of HCl from combustion process covers PTBs new dTDLAS based HCl spectrometer, specially designed and optimized to measure traceable HCl concentration in different matrices (high temperature, high water vapor and CO2 contents) motivated by large-scale power stations or biomass burning domestic boilers. This system is designed to serve as an optical gas standard (OGS) and thus as a traceable transfer standard to directly quantify HCl emissions or calibrate HCl sensors or dynamically generated gas standards in the field. It employs a mid-infrared interband cascade laser (ICL) and is targeting the HCl transition lines in the fundamental band to achieve less 1 ppm (at 1 meter) sensitivity and meet the compatibility goal set by lowered HCl ELVs in the European legislation such as the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). For further detail, please visit: https://oar.ptb.de/resources/show/10.7795/810.20191105