July 12, 2018 Menne Schakel of project partner VSL has provided an update on the work progressing under WP3: A literature review “Uncertainty review of portable flow measurement techniques” was finalized with recommendations on how to improve flow measurements in actual stack conditions so that they are performed to the required standards. A model that follows EN 14181 is currently being expanded to allow account to be made of calibration of the in-situ flow monitor against the reviewed portable techniques. A lab-facility for investigating uncertainty contributions from wall-effects and sensor obstructions was designed and is currently under further development. A first series of measurements was performed using a S-Pitot tube. Numerical modelling representative of turbulent air flow through a small duct with obstruction was performed. The design of the lab-facility “stack simulator” from the predecessor-project was revised and updated. It is currently being implemented as a stack-simulator prototype which will allow the investigation of uncertainties in flow monitoring in stacks. Attention will be paid to the investigation of swirl generated at stack entrance and distance of the flow meter to the entrance. For more information, please visit our WP3 Activities page.