Francesca Hugony of project partner ENEA (Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile) recently presented on the IMPRESS 2 Project at the Stati Generali ANFUS (the national meeting of the association of chimneysweepers in Bologna.

Francesca was invited to talk as ENEA are also involved in the project: Forni a Legna and Aria Pulita – Metro Pizza – concerning best practices in the management of biomass heating generators and biomass in pizza ovens. Francesca presented on aspects of WP2: Biomass Combustion Emissions Measurement.

Francesca received a very positive response to the presentation from a chimney manufacturer with a possible future visit to ENEA’s Innovhub lab to see how ENEA’s dilutor works.

You can find a copy of Francesca’s presentation over on our Documents and publications page.