An apostille is a certification issued to verify the authenticity of a document for international use. Under the Hague Convention, an apostille simplifies the process of document legalization, making it easier for countries that are members of the convention to accept documents from one another without further validation by embassies. Why Use an Apostille Service?… Read More

Grace download

*NOTICE* Play the beginning for free. A one-time in-app purchase unlocks the full game. No ads. In this kingdom management RPG, petitioners will arrive in the throne room each turn to ask for your advice and assistance. Decide whether to help them with their problems, or to conserve resources for more important matters visit software(… Read More

Synopsis: “Shadows of the Bandicam” is an enthralling novel that delves into the captivating world of Bandicam, a renowned music band that finds itself on an unexpected journey of self-discovery and redemption. Set against the backdrop of the vibrant music industry, this story follows the band’s trials and triumphs as they navigate the complexities of… Read More

Luca Callegaro represented GRACE at the EURAMET Technical Committee for Electricity and Magnetism meeting by presenting 2 posters: Graphene conductivity imaging with electrical resistance tomography Flicker noise measurements in graphene by correlation noise spectrometry The meeting was held at Cavtat-Dubrovnik (Croatia) in 27-28 September 2018 and attended by 40 people.… Read More

Graphene Week, one of the most influential graphene international conferences, was this year organised by NanoGune on 10-14 September. This conference is the main event of the Future & Emerging Technologies Graphene Flagship initiative of the European Commission and was focused on the science, technology and emerging applications of graphene. Among the 600 participants, GRACE… Read More

A mid-term meeting of the  16NRM01 GRACE project will be held  in Graphenea (San Sebastian, Spain). The meeting will involve presentations from the work packages leaders describing the progress to date, following by a scientific workshop and stakeholder committee discussions.  A visit to Graphenea’s premises will also take place. 16NRM01 GRACE mid-term meeting agenda 16NRM01… Read More

The Grace consortium held its official kick-off meeting on 12 January 2017. The project officially started on 1 July 2017 and will run until 1 July 2020. The consortium consists of Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM), Centro Español de Metrología (CEM), NPL Management Limited (NPL), Das-Nano SL, Graphenea, ISC International Standards Consulting GmbH &… Read More