The aim of this project is to maximise uptake by industry end users and the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM) of outputs of EMRP JRP IND09 ‘Traceable dynamic measurement of mechanical quantities’ by providing specific and directed advice on how to make best use of the results of dynamic calibrations provided by NMIs. The project’s primary supporter is HBM Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH, who recognise that dynamic measurements are a key problem for high-value manufacturing and hence they are providing data for the project team to demonstrate the methods developed in JRP IND09 in action. Many applications of the measurement of quantities such as force, torque and pressure are dynamic, i.e., the measurand shows a strong variation over time. Transducers are in most cases calibrated by static procedures owing to a lack of commonly accepted procedures or documentary standards for the dynamic calibration of mechanical sensors. However, it is well known that mechanical sensors exhibit distinctive dynamic behaviour and increasing deviation from static sensitivity characteristics as frequency increases. Previously, JRP IND09 sought to establish metrological traceability for the mechanical quantities: dynamic force, torque and pressure. The key output of JRP IND09 was the establishment of primary and secondary traceability available at NMIs for the mechanical quantities: dynamic force, dynamic torque and dynamic pressure. However, effective dissemination of such dynamic calibrations requires the provision of specific advice to industrial end users on how to use calibration results to correct measurements for dynamic effects and how to demonstrate compliance with the ‘Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement’ (GUM). Although the outputs of the preceding project JRP IND09 were the development of: (i) general dynamic models for the complete calibration measurement chain; (ii) procedures for uncertainty evaluation of dynamic measurements; and (iii) general procedures for correcting measurements for dynamic effects; these were, unfortunately, not able to be embodied in documentary standards, international guidance or software (used to correct measurements in industrial applications) during the lifetime of the preceding project JRP IND09. Currently, calibration certificates and associated information provided for dynamic quantities by NMIs and accredited calibration laboratories can take several forms, therefore, industrial end users urgently need: (i) guidance on what calibration information to request from NMIs and accredited calibration laboratories; (ii) guidance on how to use this information in their own dynamic measurement applications to ensure GUM-compliance; and (iii) software that demonstrates the guidance in action and provides GUM-compliant uncertainty evaluations.