APT analyses of nanoscale SiGe layers embedded in SiO2 IMEC European APT workshop 6-9 October 2015 On the wave length dependence of the tip apex shape in Laser-assisted APT : Non-uniform heating of tip under laser IMEC European APT workshop 6-9 October 2015 APT analyses of nanoscale SiGe layers embedded in SiO2 IMEC Imec’s PTW 19-23 October 2015 DIBLOCK COPOLYMERS AND HOLEY SILICON IN METROLOGY INRiM, UPO Porous Semiconductor Science and Technology March, 2016 Toward Diblock Copolymer Based Metrological Standard INRiM, UPO, IMEC, NPL, PTB Nanotech Italy November 2015 Charakterisierung nanoskaliger Schichtstapel durch kombinierte referenzprobenfreie GIXRF und XRR PTB Forschungsseminar “Ausgewählte analytische Methoden der Physik” 12/2015 Argon Cluster Sputtering – Effects of Angle of Incidence, Sample Temperature and Composition NPL SIMS XX 09/2015 A Revolution in Chemical Imaging – More Techniques, More Power, More Data and More Answers NPL SIMS XX 09/2015 Orientation and lateral ordering in asymmetric Block-copolymer thin films CNR, UPO EUPOC 2016 05/2016 Depth profiling and composition analysis of polymer:fullerene blend layers for organic photovoltaics IMEC, NPL SIMS XX 09/2015 High quality profiles for inorganic material using Arn+ clusters: a must for hybrid system profiling and how to achieve them IMEC, NPL SIMS XX 09/2015 Sputtering with large On+ cluster projectiles on inorganic surfaces IMEC SIMS XX 09/2015 VFET device & integration IMEC Imec’s PTW 10/2016 Non-stoichiometric atom emission from bulk InP under Green and UV laser illumination IMEC European APT workshop 09/2016 VFET integration IMEC Imec’s PTW Emitter shape evolution during field evaporation and its impact on the reconstructed data of SiGe fins embedded in SiO2 IMEC APT&M 2016 06/2016 Challenges for APT in advanced semiconductor technology research IMEC APT&M 2016 Size-dependent pattern transfer through Ps-b-PMMA block copolymer masks by Reactive Ion Etching INRIM, CNR EMRS-Fall 2016 10/2016 Direct seif-assembly for nanaofabrication and metrology INRIM, CNR, PMO EMRS-Fall 2016 10/2016 Self-assembly Nanofabrication techniques for Metrology INRIM, CNR, PMO EMRS-Fall 2016 24-26/10/2016 Self-assembly Nanofabrication techniques for Metrology INRIM, CNR, PMO YRM 10/2016 Characterization And Quantification Of Ultra-Thin Polymer Films By Hyphenated Mass Spectrometric Techniques PMO, CNR 40th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography 06/2016 Neutral wetting brush layers for block copolymer thin films using homopolymer blends processed at high temperatures PMO, CNR, INRIM XXII CONVEGNO NAZIONALE DELL’ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA DI SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DELLE MACROMOLECOLE – AIM 09/2016 What are the correct L-subshell photoionization cross sections for quantitative X-ray spectroscopy? PTB Synchrotron Radiation to study Atomic Layer Deposition 06/2016 Quantitative and chemical characterization capabilities for atomic layer depositions using synchrotron-based reference-free X-ray spectrometry PTB WORKSHOP 3D-stacked IC metrology 12/2016 Métrologie des coefficients d’atténuation massique CEA RX2015 3D nanoSIMS: A novel high-mass resolution instrument for 3D molecular imaging with sub-micron resolution NPL, ION-TOF NanoInnovation 2016 09/2016 3D nanoSIMS: Transformational capability for measuring chemistry at the nanoscale NPL, ION-TOF NanoInnovation 2016 09/2016 Advantage of Standards – Future needs and challenges for standardisation in mass spectrometry imaging NPL Practical Surface Analysis 2016 10/2016 In situ cross sectioning of polymer materials using gas cluster ion beams for secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging of buried interfaces NPL SIMS Europe 2016 09/2016 The rate debate: Current state of gas cluster source use in surface analysis NPL AVS 63rd International Symposium & Exhibition 11/2016 Quantification of the layer thickness of thin organic layers by secondary ion mass spectrometry depth profiling NPL AVS 63rd International Symposium & Exhibition 11/2016 Going beyond state of the Art in SIMS Imaging in the Life-Sciences and for Organic Devices NPL, ION-TOF AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition 11/2015 Super-resolution Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Biological Materials with the New 3D nanoSIMS NPL, ION-TOF, UNOTT AVS 63rd International Symposium & Exhibition 11/2016