A workshop for the MeterEMI was attended by some 40 experts from industry at EMC Europe 2019 in Barcelona. The slides are available to download using the links below.

Introduction and background to the project (Paul Wright, NPL)

Capturing real-world waveforms for meter testing. 
Equipment to digitize waveforms, demonstration of measurement equipment and data capture and analysis software (Marc Pous, UPC)
Measurements of Appliances in the lab to the capture waveforms (Helko van den Brom, VSL)
Waveform capture on-site  (Tom Hartman, University of Twente)

Signal analysis techniques to unambiguously specify complex test waveforms.
Triggering and Analysis (Deborah Ritzmann, NPL)
Probability distributions (Marc Pous, UPC)

Test Beds for approval of meters
Testbed for normative approval of static electricity meters based on phantom power
(Peter Davis NPL and Helko Van Den Brom VSL)

Latest findings on meter performance (VSL/Twente Bas Tenhave)