Members of the NPL’s Nuclear Metrology Group have recently delivered lectures to several different stakeholders from the UK nuclear community. The presentations provided an opportunity to give an update on radioanalytical capabilities and recent method developments in radiochemistry and radionuclide nuclear metrology for nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management applications.

Two talks were given to the Sellafield Analytical Services group, with additional participants from Cavendish Nuclear, with approximately 25 people joining in total. Dr Hibaaq Mohamud presented on recent advances in radiochemical separation techniques, including work by the Nuclear Metrology Group on characterising novel extraction chromatography resins and validation on environmental and decommissioning samples. A talk was also given by Dr Elsje van Es on radionuclide measurement using alpha spectrometry, including sample preparation priot to measurement and optimising the instrument setup. Dr Ben Russell gave a talk to the same group on the role of mass spectrometry for meeting decommissioning challenges, including radionuclides currently measurable and recent instrumental developments. With Sellafield transitioning to full-time decommissioning over the next few years, dedicated laboratories are being developed to meet measurement challenges around accurately characterising a range of decommissioning wastes. The talks provided an opportunity to show how metrology laboratories can help to address these challenges, including provision of standards, reference materials, proficiency test exercises and training. The presentation on mass spectrometry was also delivered to Public Health England, again with around 25 attendees in real-time online. The group recently acquired mass spectrometry capabilities, and this talk gave a further opportunity to demonstrate the support NPL can offer with regards to training and provision of standards for method development and validation. Finally, NPL were invited to present at a Total Decom webinar on the recent applications of borate fusion for sample preparation, including decommissioning matrices measured as part of the Metro Decom project.