January 18, 2019 We’re pleased to invite you to the Stakeholder workshop about “In-situ metrology for decommissioning nuclear facilities” to present the outputs and products designed and validated by an European consortium in the areas of: in-situ methods for rapid measuring the radioactivity content of materials on a nuclear sitea novel automatic measurement system to check whether waste packages are safe for clearance or must be disposed as radioactive waste a sophisticated radioactive waste characterisation system, suitable for use as a waste repository acceptance system for very low, low and intermediate level radioactive waste on-site measurement systems and methods for monitoring the condition of radioactive waste repositories, including airborne radioactivity and temperature/strain. Date and Venue 20th February 2019, Registration opens 8:30 am. Welcome at 9:00 am. Close at 4:00 pm. CIEMAT Conference Hall and FRMF SuperMum installation at CIEMAT premises (Bldg.38) Complutense, 40 28040 (Madrid) SPAIN To register please contact the local organisers : Virginia.peyres@ciemat.es, jc.saez@ciemat.es