December 5, 2018 Aim: To develop in-situ methods for the rapid radionuclide characterisation of the different types of materials present on decommissioning sites. The methods will improve the remote mapping of contamination and doses inside nuclear facilities and thus enable the disposition of activity to be determined and characterised, so that decommissioning work can be planned. The performance of three different radioactivity mapping systems based on gamma, alpha and dose emissions will be validated. In order to proceed with the development of methods for mapping alpha-emitters, the optical scanner and the camera imaging geometries with different spectral filtering were compared and evaluated. Scanner solution was found to offer more consistent performance for different detection distances. These activities aim at investigating the possibility to perform stand-off alpha detection using a narrow solar blind wavelength region (240–280 nm) possibly removing this significant limitation to the widespread adoption of measurements based on alpha particle induced fluorescence.