The latest summary of the MeterEMI project and it its research outcomes so far are summarized in in the publishable summary document that has just been released and is available here.… Read More

Conducted electromagnetic interference has shown to result in misreadings of static energy meters due to non-linear current waveforms. Based on these findings it is of interest to survey waveforms that occur in typical low voltage distribution networks, and to see which waveforms static energy meters are exposed to in real world situations. Therefore, on-site surveys… Read More

A workshop for the MeterEMI was attended by some 40 experts from industry at EMC Europe 2019 in Barcelona. The slides are available to download using the links below. Introduction and background to the project (Paul Wright, NPL) Capturing real-world waveforms for meter testing.  Equipment to digitize waveforms, demonstration of measurement equipment and data capture and… Read More