February 28, 2020 LNE, 21 and 22 January 2020 LNE hosted a workshop in Paris on 21 and 22 January 2020. The workshop presented concrete examples showing how the principles of measurement uncertainty can support and add value to normative and related practices. Some 50 delegates attended the workshop, including representatives from national metrology institutes, standards committees, accreditation bodies, and calibration and testing laboratories. The workshop covered key sectors such as energy, environment and health care. Measurement uncertainty evaluation methods such as traditional GUM, Monte Carlo method, Bayesian methods and uncertainty propagation were illustrated on a wide range of applications. Advantages and limitations of the methods were discussed. The workshop promoted a harmonized evaluation of measurement uncertainty in accordance with internationally recognized standards and guides across broad disciplines of measurement, such as the Guide to the Expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) and its supplements. The purpose was to disseminate good practices in terms of assessing uncertainties and to advise on their implementation. Presentations made at the workshop are available here